




申请Google AdSense for Feeds

vikingr 发表于 2010-4-22 11:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<p>        只要你的网站 feed 订阅数在100以上,并且拥有 AdSense 帐户,就可以参加 AdSense for feeds (BETA)。申请地址:<a href="http://ys166.com/info/post/https://services.google.com/ads_inquiry/aff">https://services.google.com/ads_inquiry/aff</a> 。&rdquo;</p><p>  显示的页面是英文的,择填写自己的信息后提交,大概几分钟后,收到Google发来的一封邮件,内容如下:</p><p>  Thank you for your interest in AdSense for feeds.</p><p>  Unfortunately, we're unable to accept your application for the program at this time. Because AdSense for feeds is currently in beta, we're unable to accept all applicants into the program. If we're able to extend our service to you in the future, we'll be sure to let you know.</p><p>  自动被拒了。看来,中文Blog申请Google AdSense for Feeds还是有困难的,估计这个服务还是只对英文用户开放的。至少等英文用户使用稳定后,才可能考虑中文用户。</p>

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