




Google Adsense常见疑问问答

vikingr 发表于 2010-4-22 11:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<p>Google adsense帐号申请有关Adsense的规则读的再多也不过分,我们总能发现自己其实很不了解Google是怎么要求我们的,我们也更担心Google会以什么理由来停掉自己的帐号。到底谁说的算数?当然是google自己!我这里整理了有关规则的敏感问题的问答,希望对大家了解Adsense rools更有帮助! </p><p>Q : May I put the google adsense code outside the webpage area? (I guess placing the code at .js extensions is more secure) <br />问:我可以将Adsense放置在网页之外的地方(比如.js扩展语句中)么? <br />A : We ask that you don't alter the ad code in any way. Because you'll be unable to properly link to the ad code in a manner that will allow ads to displayed while not changing the original code, we ask that you don't do this. <br />答:我们要求您不要以任何方法修改广告代码。因为这样您就不能够以我们所要求的方式显示我们的广告,尽管没有修改广告的代码部分,我们也要求您不要这样做! </p><p>Q : May I put some variations at google adsense code without modifying the original code? (Using some script that I've added above/below the original code without any modification at the original code) <br />问:我是否可以对Adsense代码作一些调整,当然前提是没有修改代码(只是在前面或者后面加入几行脚本)? <br />A : Again, publishers aren't permitted to change the ad code or the ads' intended behavior in any way. Please keep in mind that while it's possible to alter the behavior of ads without altering the ad code, this is not in compliance with our policies. <br />答:再次强调,广告发布者以任何方式修改代码内容和代码行为的做法都是不被接受的。必须记住一点,只要有可能影响到广告的行为,即使没有修改代码,也是不符合政策的。 </p><p>Q : May I encrypt my webpage in order to save my source code from another publisher? Would it be gives any affect for googlebot when crawling my webpage caused by those encryption? <br />问:我可否对我的代码进行加密,防止其他竞争者抄袭。这会影响到google机器人对我页面的抓取么? <br />A : We unfortunately don't currently support encrypted sites for the AdSense program. <br />答:很不幸,对于加密页面的adsense程序目前还不支持! </p><p>Q : Am I allowed for promoting my website to my friends at online chat or online community? (NOT ASKING CLICKS!) <br />问:我可以通过聊天或者社区论坛向朋友推荐(不含点击要求)我的网站么? <br />A : You may advertise your site as long as you don't do so with the use of unsolicited emails, posts or announcements. <br />答:你可以为你的网站做广告或推荐,只要没有不是通过垃圾邮件(非正常获得的地址)、恶意发文(灌水机)或公告。 </p><p>Q : Is it allowed for displaying the google ads code at any sharing revenue forum? <br />问:是否可以在一个共享收入的论坛里发布adsense广告? <br />A : Please note that Google does not endorse or encourage the use of ad code rotation. We recommend that you review the AdSense Terms and Conditions found on <a href="http://ys166.com/info/post/https://www.google.com/adsense/localized-terms">https://www.google.com/adsense/localized-terms</a>, and exercise caution if you choose to rotate the ad code on your forum. All AdSense participants are responsible for ensuring that pages showing their ad code comply with AdSense policies and that invalid clicks are not generated on sites showing their ads. <br />答:请注意,google并不认可或者说鼓励这种广告代码的使用形式(rotation?大家教我怎么翻译)。我们强烈建议您重新看一下adsense小组的计划条款和政策,<a href="http://ys166.com/info/post/https://www.google.com/adsense/localized-terms">https://www.google.com/adsense/localized-terms</a>,如果你这样使用代码,一定要特别小心,因为所有的在论坛发布广告的发布商都将对不合规定政策的点击和展示负责。 </p><p>Q : Is it allowed for placing another advertiser's search box along together with Google search box at one webpage? <br />问:在含有Google搜索框的页面上,是否允许同时放置另外广告商的搜索框? <br />A : Google's Adsense for search box may not be placed on the same page as a competitive search product. <br />答:google搜索框不应该(may not)与竞争对手的搜索框同时存在在一个网页上。 </p><p>Q : If my visitors open my ads in a new tab/window, is this would be categorized as invalid click? <br />问:如果访客以右键选择新窗口的方式打开我的页面上的广告,这会被认定为无效点击么? <br />A : In order to protect your interests as well as those of our advertisers, Google monitors clicks on Google ads to prevent any abuse of the AdSense program. Google's proprietary technology analyzes all ad clicks for invalid click activity that is intended to artificially drive up an advertiser's clicks or a publisher's earnings. This includes right clicks on ads that may be used to open the source in a new tab or window. <br />答:为了保护您还有广告商的利益,google监视器能在广告上监视Adsense的各种违规行为。Google专属技术分析所有的广告点击,凡是人为故意点击或人工干预下的点击行为都在被监视之列。这也包括了右击广告在新窗口下打开广告页面。 </p><p>这些问题都是很容易产生误解的问题,可以看到Google对某些问题的回答也是磨棱两可,比如使用了不认可、不鼓励、不应该等字眼。不过,有的问题的确还在被我们忽略,我想这些问题会对我们有用。</p>

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